WA Waste Authority / Department of Water
and Environmental Regulation


  • Understand, monitor and compile current industry players in WA

  • Development of user-friendly surveys including support hotline

  • Collation and analysis of large data sets

  • Annual report writing for high-level distribution

Since 2013, ASK has developed, compiled and produced the annual WA recycling activity survey and report for the WA Waste Authority and DWER.

The project involves keeping a large, up-to-date database of recycling and reprocessing organisations in the region, developing user-friendly sector-specific surveys, and analysing, verifying and compiling the data to be included in the annual report published on the Waste Authority website.

Annually ASK sends surveys over 60 recycling organisations in Western Australia to collect data about the materials and quantities diverted from landfill. Additionally information is complied from ABS export data, the State’s landfills and local governments.

The data is used to produce the annual Recycling Activity Report, providing a summary of the state’s waste generation, diversion and disposal tonnages for multiple material streams and tracks progress towards achieving the targets of the State’s Waste Strategy.,

As part of the project, ASK has visited over 30 different organisations, held industry sector-based workshops, and provided a telephone helpline to assist with the completion of the surveys.