JBG Quinn & Sons (UK)


  • Long-term relationship with UK recycling company

  • Alternative waste method that encourages circular economy

  • Multiple environmental permits approved each year

  • Comprehensive understanding of soil management, GIS mapping, modern farming techniques and strict regulations and guidelines.

ASK has worked with JBG Quinn & Sons for over 10 years to ensure the regulatory compliance with their extensive waste recycling operations in the southwest of England.

Waste generated by numerous food processors is recycled to agricultural land to provide nutrients for crop growth and improve soil structure.

Under the UK Environment Agency permitting system, many wastes are matched with crop requirements at multiple farms.

The process requires a high level of understanding of the strict regulations in place, particularly the AHDB Nutrient Management Guide (RB209), as well as soil management, crop rotation, GIS mapping, and modern farming techniques.

ASK has submitted thousands of successful landspreading permits and continues to work with JBG Quinn & Sons to expand relationships with waste producers and farmers as the regulators continue to accept the use of a wide variety of wastes as fertiliser to provide agricultural benefit to the soil and for crop growth.