WA Recycling Activity Review
Textiles Recycling Sector
ASK Waste Management has been engaged on behalf of the Waste Authority to conduct a review of recycling activity in Western Australia during 2018-19. This work will build on similar reviews conducted in previous years.
The information that you make available on recycling activity will provide crucial data to assess the level of reprocessing that takes place in Western Australia. This information will allow the Waste Authority to better understand the developing recycling situation in
Western Australia and will assist with the creation of informed policies and programs to promote further resource recovery.
The Waste Authority has resolved that an individual business’s completion of the annual review will be taken into account when assessing its eligibility for funding from the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (WARR) Account. Recent funding initiatives have
included the Community and Industry Engagement program, Better Bins and the Charitable Recyclers Rebate. All recipients of WARR Account funding are expected to supply credible, auditable data to the Waste Authority, including data received from third
party waste contractors.
Data from individual businesses will be treated as confidential and only aggregated results from the review will be published. Reports from past recycling activity reviews can be downloaded from the Waste Authority website:
Documents for 2018-19
Please click on the buttons below to download the survey and associated documents.
If you require assistance in completing the survey or require additional information please email us at warecyclingactivity@askwm.com.
To speak with us directly you can call Samuel Green (Consultant) on 0422 525 985, or Giles Perryman (Director and Consultant) on 0447 393 363.
For queries relating to the impact of survey completion on eligibility for funding from the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (WARR) Account please contact Julie Wyland at the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on (08) 6364 6954.